It's that time of year again - the holidays are upon us! Many of you have chosen to give your loved ones custom enhanced photos or albums for Christmas; we have to say it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy thinking about the expression they'll have when they see it! We put a tremendous amount of pride into our work, so it's very rewarding to know that our clients think our products make the perfect Christmas gifts!
Aside from the gift giving - whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, or just enjoy the day off work, take this season to spread joy and love wherever you can. Yes, it sounds sappy, but like Burt Bacarach sings, "What the world needs now, is love, sweet love!" A little extra love and joy really shows the most in the simple things:
-give a little to a charity (there are some great ones listed on this blog)
-hug your husband/wife a little tighter next time
-call your mom/dad and tell them you love them
-get together with your sibling(s) and do something fun
-volunteer in your community
-adopt a pet
-smile at everyone you see
Okay, we are totally not mushy people, but dang.....we've just heard too many tear-jerking wedding speeches this year - it must have rubbed off on us! But seriously - thank you to all of you for being our wonderful clients! We truly appreciate your business and we hope you have a beautiful holiday season!
Joy, love, and peace,
Laura & Chris