What a perfect way to end our year! Alison and Rod's day was simply amazing - it was the first wedding we have ever done when it was actually snowing. I have to give full credit to Alison for braving the freezing cold in a stunning strapless gown - after seeing the images, we agreed that her risking pneumonia was worth it! Picture this if you will: the ceremony ends, the happy couple walk back down the aisle together, the bells are ringing, and they step outside a charming little church into the snow just starting to fall - how great is that? And it actually happend at Alison and Rod's wedding! After the ceremony we proceeded to Quilchena Golf and Country Club, which was fully decorated to compliment the approach of Christmas. When the photo session was finished, it was off to the reception to party and be merry! Thanks again to Alison and Rod for having us photograph your wedding - it was truly a wonderful way to end 2006!