Thursday, December 14, 2006

Mission Accomplished!

Paul, curator of the Rainforest Reptile Refuge, with Laura and Spud the Tortoise (who was a little camera shy!)

Back in October, we decided to do a fundraiser we called "Portraits with Pumpkins" (see this entry for details). Our goal was to raise $1000, and I'm proud to say we made that goal and actually even exceeded it! It was with great pleasure that we delivered a cheque to the Rainforest Reptile Refuge for $1100.00. We are so grateful to everyone who participated in Portraits with Pumpkins - the support was overwhelming, especially from our own Blue Magnolia clients.

We'd also like to thank the Richmond News, who came out and did a story on our project, and G. King Photo, who kept our costs low by giving us a very generous discount on prints. Of course, thank-you's would not be complete without thanking the Rainforest Reptile Refuge, simply for existing and taking on the care and conservation of these animals.

Paul Springate is the curator of the Refuge, and it was an honour to meet and talk with him about the animals he cares for so very much. I don't think we have ever met a more passionate person - to say this man is dedicated to his cause would be an understatement. Paul explained how the Refuge is a symbol of much larger problems in our society - it represents the need for conservation of endangered species, tougher laws against the exotic animal trade, and protection for our own native environment and species. With increased awareness and education, change can happen - and that's something we're very proud to support! If you're interested in learning more about the Refuge or would like to donate, you can check it out online.

From us, from Paul, and from the animals - thank you so very much to everyone who made this event possible!

A few photos from the Portraits with Pumpkins sessions:

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